Melissa Blum on Building Your Thought Leadership Channels
March 19, 2024
From social media to personal blogs to podcasting, you’ll be guided through the intricacies of navigating the digital landscape to create an impactful strategy

Melissa Blum has over a decade of experience in the digital and social media space, with roots in broadcast journalism from NBC and CNN. She founded M.T. Deco, her digital strategy agency, in 2018 with the desire to collaborate with a wide range of clientele in meaningful and creative ways.

Previously she was the head of digital at NBC Nightly News and a Coordinating Video Producer for CNN’s Films & Series. Prior to CNN, she was a Brand Marketing Manager and Multimedia Journalist at NBC News, beginning her career as a member of the NBC Page Program.

"Content pillars are themes, initiatives, conversations that collectively make up what you and your brand stand for, we advise people to sort of choose five."

Try a pillar-based strategy to creating content.

The first two pillars are what your brand is most known for, right or what you want to be known for, as a public individual. It's really, again, content that is all about you and your industry. It could be news, newsworthy moments that are coming up or it's opportunities for you to have a point of view, share an opinion, have a perspective on something, andto go deep on.

The third pillar is an opportunity to go deep on a very specific topic that your brand could speak on in a regular way. Again, something that you're highly passionate about a highly news newsworthy topic that you can dive deep on the regular cadence and frequency of publishing content.

One of the biggest challenges that we have talked through with a lot of women who are working moms is that they end up having this push and pull of wanting to post content about their children. But utilizing content pillars is a really great way to sort of keep yourself in check.

The aim is to allow one's personality to shine while maintaining focus and balance in content creation.

Understand the Digital Ecosystem

Understanding one's target audience and effectively connecting with them across various platforms, including owned platforms (e.g., websites, blogs, newsletters) and social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube) is imperative for building a successful thought-leadership brand.

Focus on Success Metrics That Matter

Beyond simply measuring followers, success metrics should be multifaceted and aligned with business goals, cultural relevance, and platform analytics. Success metrics should be aligned with the individual's broader business goals, whether it's generating leads, building brand awareness, driving sales, or establishing thought leadership. Beyond focusing solely on follower counts, engagement metrics like likes, shares, comments, saves, reach, and impressions provide deeper insights into audience interactions and content performance. And, practice iterative measurement. Regularly analyzing success metrics allows individuals to evaluate the effectiveness of their content strategies, identify areas for improvement, and optimize future content creation efforts.

Best Practices for Successful Thoughtleadership

  • Consistent Content Creation: Regularly publishing content with a clear point of view and maintaining consistency in timing and format.
  • Value-Oriented Approach: Prioritizing value-added content that resonates with the audience's interests, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Engagement and Collaboration: Actively engaging with the audience through comments, messages, and collaborative content initiatives to foster community and amplify reach.

Addressing Common Concerns....

  • Overcoming Self-Consciousness:  focus on your unique value proposition, target audience needs, and long-term goals to overcome self-consciousness and build confidence in their online presence.
  • Navigating Corporate Constraints: understand company policies regarding social media use, conduct competitive analysis, and seek opportunities for alignment between personal branding efforts and organizational goals.
  • Getting Started and Continuous Learning: start with small, manageable steps, such as publishing content once a week, while emphasizing the importance of ongoing learning, experimentation, and adaptation in the digital landscape.

For those looking for more information, Melissa launched Digital Strategy Essentials, a 4-week crash course on the Kajabi platform that’s designed to help you - and / or your brand - strategically position yourself on digital and social media platforms.

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